Aha! Scythian ......latest (2023) I said so
According to Balfour Declaration of 1926 ‘dominions’ is defined as autonomous communities within the British Empire but united by a common allegiance to the Crown. So, by the definition, India was an autonomous community “within the British Empire”. So, why do we celebrate August 15th as our Independence Day?Let us trace the origins of this state:
"வெஞ்சொல் தஞ்சொல் ஆக்கி நின்ற வேடமிலாச் சமணுந்
தஞ்சமில்லாச் சாக்கியர் தத்துவ மொன்றறியார்"
The nomadic Shak(y)as with no divine concepts as do the foul mouthed naked Paras (Fars-Persian-Parsi) Jains"
-Tamil Nayanmar Thiruginanasambandar who made the king Pandya impale the Persian,Afghan (Fars,Saka) religionists, Jains and Buddhists - together the six Sramana (Shaman) alien faiths:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C5%9Arama%E1%B9%87a#History
The views of six samaṇa in the Pāli Canon (based on the Buddhist text Sāmaññaphala Sutta1) | |
Śramaṇa | view (diṭṭhi)1 |
Pūraṇa Kassapa | Amoralism: denies any reward or punishment for either good or bad deeds. |
Makkhali Gośāla (Ājīvika) | Niyativāda (Fatalism): we are powerless; suffering is pre-destined. |
Ajita Kesakambalī (Lokāyata) | Materialism: live happily; with death, all is annihilated. |
Pakudha Kaccāyana | Sassatavada (Eternalism): Matter, pleasure, pain and the soul are eternal and do not interact. |
Nigaṇṭha Nātaputta (Jainism) | Restraint: be endowed with, cleansed by and suffused with the avoidance of all evil.2 |
Sañjaya Belaṭṭhiputta (Ajñana) | Agnosticism: "I don't think so. I don't think in that way or otherwise. I don't think not or not not." Suspension of judgement. |
The Aryan Invasion Theory was constructed to make these Scythian Shakya Sakas, Vedic people.The truth is that the Rors and Jats have the highest Swat valley Steppe derived Scythian genes.After all it is the Ror,Jat,Saini Sakya invasion during the period of Darius of 487 BCE and not an Aryan invasion in 1500 BCE.
In the 2nd century CE, the Christian theologian Clement of Alexandriadistinguishes the gymnosophists, the philosophers of the Indians, from the Sramanas, "the philosophers of the Bactrians":
Philosophy, then, with all its blessed advantages to man, flourished long ages ago among the barbarians, diffusing its light among the gentiles, and eventually penetrated into Greece. Its hierophants were the prophets among the Egyptians, the Chaldeans among the Assyrians, the Druidsamong the Galatians, the Sramanas of the Bactrians, and the philosophers of the Celts, the Magi among the Persians who announced beforehand the birth of the Saviour, being led by a star till they arrived in the land of Judaea, and among the Indians the Gymnosophists, and other philosophers of barbarous nations.
— Clement of Alexandria, Stromata 1.15.71 (ed. Colon. 1688 p. 305, A, B).
Scythiam Sakas with pointed hats making merry dancing (Buner, Khyber Pakhtoonkwa, Pakistan)
Scythiam Sakas with pointed hats making merry dancing (Buner, Khyber Pakhtoonkwa, Pakistan)
Because these were the descendants of the Asuras (Ashura,Ahura) of the earlier Yugas:
"And many terrible Yavanas and Paradas and Sakas and Valhikas, and Mlecchas born of the cow (belonging to Vasishtha), of fierce eyes, accomplished in smiting looking like messengers of Death, and all conversant with the deceptive powers of the Asuras" - Mahabharata,Drona Parva,Section 32.
and Gomata-Eswara Mahavira!:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahavira
Because these were the descendants of the Asuras (Ashura,Ahura) of the earlier Yugas:
"And many terrible Yavanas and Paradas and Sakas and Valhikas, and Mlecchas born of the cow (belonging to Vasishtha), of fierce eyes, accomplished in smiting looking like messengers of Death, and all conversant with the deceptive powers of the Asuras" - Mahabharata,Drona Parva,Section 32.
The answer for this is also the answer for who controls the India government now- read below:
Meaning of Saka (excrement/nomad)
and Sakya (of the nomadic excremental):
Under the watchful eyes of the "Buddha" - literally "the man of logic" with the eyes of providence, the "Prester John"
(and no sentiments, literally: atheist of the "No god, only man's logic" "order) Historic Buddha is but the greatest forgery in all mankind's history. "Sakya Muni" means a saint of the Sakas or Scythians - Zoroaster, who created Asura (Ahura) worship opposing the Vedic nature Gods like Mitra (Sun) and villanised the Devas worshiped in Daevadana (Devasthana) and the Usij (Brahmins):
Old Persian daiva occurs twice in Xerxes' daiva inscription (XPh, early 5th century BCE). This trilingual text also includes one reference to a daivadana "house of the daivas", generally interpreted to be a reference to a shrine or sanctuary.
And not incidentally was the Achaemenid empire officially called Xsaca 𐎧𐏁𐏂 (Saka):
In his inscription, Xerxes records that "by the favour of Ahura Mazda I destroyed that establishment of the daivas and I proclaimed, 'The daivas thou shalt not worship!'". The establishment, a temple in India destroyed by Sakya (Pashtun/Baloch) mercenaries:
Zoroaster if indeed a historic personage, has been backdated and inserted into Upanishads and North Indian Ramayana as Jabaali! (A Sanskrit cognate of Avestan).
He preached the first antithesis of worship to assimilate local cults and cultures - Zoroastrianism or Asura (Ashur-Ahura) worship which has origins in ancienrt Assyria (Ashuria,Asoristan):
Fars or Persia proper also called,the centre of Achmenids in short went to the Assyrian sphere from being originally Indospheric.The other frontier people between Assyria and India, pancha Mlechas (Assyrian:Mleuhas) Sakas(Pathans), Hunas(Mongols), Turushkas(Turks),Kambojas(Tajiks)and Paradas(Baloch) have since followed their Fars overlord masters into Asuric worship.
Goshtaspa/Vishtaspa's son Darius made his FATHER'S ASSYRIAN CULT (Goshtaspa/Gotama 543 BCE)
who fled to Hind according to Sistan epic cycles and Ammianus Marcellinus and learnt from the Brahmins there. Indian accounts hold that Brahmins taught Nastika to the Asuric (Ahuric) people to mislead them!
His son created a proto Jihadi institution to invade India with his Saka- Parthava (Parthian) (Pathans and Balochs) mercenaries. They brought this Nastika in. Goshstaspa's son Daris disguised his father's story as Zoroaster and again smuggled back into India through his Sakya mercenaries as Buddha Gaumata (cleverly smuggled in as Gotama-Sanskritised to Gautama), the Brahmin-Usij priest he killed for resisting his Asuric religion and who was popular in India for his resistance of Asuric forces:
His another form is Gaumata-Eswara or the Jain Mahavira,the Persian Magi Gaumata,Pseudo Bardes or Pseudo Smerdis,son of Cyrus:
Note the age: Gaumata-Magi:
Reign | 522 BC |
and Gomata-Eswara Mahavira!:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahavira
Above: MAGI GAUMATA as Perisan king and afterwards,the Indianised ascetic GOMATA who gave up his kingdom.
Interestingly his worship was promoted by Chandragupta Maurya,whose Greco-Persian wife who was the daughter of the Alexandrian Selucus Nicator,
There is still a caste Maurya in India,which also has surnames like Saini (mercenary warrior) and 'Shakya':
Jains still call him Paras (Fars or Parasika being the name for Persia in India):https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fars_Province
Also who will forget their identical mouth coverings:
Above: Jains (Paras) and Zoroastrian (Pars) with identical mouth coverings!
And the Jains worship Ahura (Ar[u]ha) after all:
But clever Indians (esp.Tamils) still call him Sakya Muni, the Scythian ascetic. All other stories about Buddha nave no backing whatsoever. Just like a blond blue eyed Kristos Jesus for Europeans, originally Avestan Vishtaspa (Sans: Poisonous serpent) Darius' juxtaposed Krisna for his Jewish subjects. Sakya muni in Digha Nikaya, retraces his tribe to the Himalayas where Brahmanas (read Vedas) are not respected - mountain people beyond the Hindukush, Khotan
(Buddhism came south from here into Tibet and not from India to Lhasa, converting Tibetans from their Bon)
(as the Smritis themselves count the Sakas as Brahmanless Mlechas) and importantly, who make merry and talk nudging their fingers, a practice still which is a Pashtun peculiarity , where their ancestors were born off to brothers and sisters in an Iranic Xwedodah
type marriage (known as Sakahi or "practice of the Sakas" in ancient India) which are referred in Ambatta Sutta
and thus they were called lowly people! Buddha is described as a blue eyed (central asian) further by the 'Brahman'.BTW Lakkhana Sutta says Buddha is always blue eyed!
Also the first texts are found in Afghanistan! The Afghan Sakas, Kushanas and Huna monks spread Buddhism, not Indians.
Saka = Scythian = Pashto
According to Muhammad Younus Khan, books have been found at the library of Emperor Mikado from Japan on the topic of Buddhism in Pashto as well as Japanese. As a result Khan (1964) traces the writing patterns of Pashto to two thousand five hundred years back.
Now you will understand why Zoroastrianism and Achemenid Krishna Kristos were considered as heretic sects of Buddhism in medieval China and wiped out!Behold the three Magi in the Byzantine mosaic - they sport unmistakable Scythian headdresses and outfits, who are counted as Zoroaster's messengers in the Syriac Apocryphal!:
No wonder the Chinese emperors rightly deduced the origin of Christianity;Zoroastrian-Scythian modified Krishna (Kristo) cult.
And the Scythian headdress is the Papal Mitre:
By the way - Buddha is a CATHOLIC SAINT as well:
Josaphat is Bodhisat (Bodhisatva)!! and also he is not from the heart of India, Bihar, but from the frontier between India and Persia i.e Sakastan (Scythian 'Sistan'): https://www.thehindu.com/books/how-the-buddha-became-a-christian-saint/article26885624.ece
" On November 27, 1610, Cardinal Baronius included: “The holy Saints Barlaam and Josaphat, of India, on the borders of Persia, whose wonderful acts St. John of Damascus has described.”"
NO WONDER the Dalai Lama is Prester John - the secret Super Pope:
Buddhist Sakyas (Scythians) and Parsis (Persians) both feed their dead's carcasses to the vultures:
Indian Parsis:
And in their common original homeland:
Later Japanese copied it as an assertion to protect their identity:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haibutsu_kishaku literally meaning: Haibutsu kishaku (廃仏毀釈) (literally "abolish Buddhism and destroy Shākyamuni")
and it had come from Afghanistan/Scythia:
The Achemenid Cyrus, similarly commissioned Ezra to build a rival temple in Jerusalem for Mizrahim Judah for Jehovah without images in an Asuric aka. Ahuric way, hitherto unknown in Samaritan Israeli Samaritanism. Remember - Cyrus is the only gentile "Messiah" who was "great". Now you know how eventually also Christianity and Islam would be created by his establishment "Templars" or Kabbalist Jews!
Aha!The Ahura worshipping Ahira-s became the Abhira and later Kala-Abhira Buddhist invader Sakas of India https://books.google.co.in/books?id=fWVZWjNAcAgC&pg=PA87&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=false
However, the current Indian commonwealth government,
1. Considers the Asuric invader's lion capital, of the Sakas as the national symbol
2. The invader's Saka era is even the national calendar and not Vikrama Sakari era!
3. The Sakya Muni Kalachakra (renamed Dhammachakka) tantra is the wheel in the flag
4. Sakamuni stands as our King in Lutyen's Durbar hall:
Is this enough?? Or...
This Scythian Asuric Nastika of Sakya Muni and the Sakyas themselves were thrown back into "Ahuryana" (Land of Ahura Mazda, Iran) by Vikramarka Sakari (Vikramaditya, the vanquisher of Darius' mercenary Sakas).
Their language Pali is the tongue of the western Satraps of Ujjain Avanti and not of Magadha!
Exactly of the same Sakas thrown back into Afghanistan by Vikramaditya "Sakari" (enemy of the Scythians) in 57 BCE - when their gurus fled to the extremes - tribal pockets of Greater India like Ceylon, Burma, Indonesia and Thailand.
These two Mlecha (Mleuha) MAGIan religions are but Buddhism being the Sanskritised/Prakritised missionary versions of the Seistan (Saka-stan) cycles.Zoroastrianism is from the opposite side,a more Persian version of the same missionary story which was later Sanskrit-Prakritised by the daughter of Selucus for his Indian husband,Chandragupta - Jainism
The Seal of Sedda depiction of a Sramana (Persepolis Seal PFS 79), a Lion-Sun shaman, is based on information gathered from a number of other seals the name refers to Sedda Arta (Siddhartha), i.e., Siddha (Liberator of) and Arta (Universal Truth).
This blog was the FIRST to find this connection.
1.Persian (Parasika) "pure" Gaumata/Gomata original is Jainism who still call him Paras (Fars or Parasika being the name for Persia in India)
2. Their Saka-Pashtunised mercenary modified missionary religion is Buddhism - of Sakya Muni
Remember again:
Because these were the descendants of the Asuras (Ashura,Ahura) of the earlier Yugas:http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07089.htm
"And many terrible Yavanas and Paradas and Sakas and Valhikas, and Mlecchas born of the cow (belonging to Vasishtha), of fierce eyes, accomplished in smiting looking like messengers of Death, and all conversant with the deceptive powers of the Asuras" - Mahabharata,Drona Parva,Section 32.
Both are still called in Tamil lands as நாத்திக புறச்சமயங்கள் Atheist alien human divinity denying religions!!
They returned briefly with Salivahana -Satavahanas to be vanquished finally this time by the Chera, Chola and Pandyas as the Kalabhiras with the help of Nayanmars, Alvars and Adi Sankara.
The Sakas came disguised as 'Pathan' Muslims again. They were vanquished by Advaita Vedantins - Vijayanagara, Marathas and Sikhs. Now to shroud the Brahmam in everything, they have returned as...
The soul damning new invention Karana Mudra (Devil's horns) wielding:
Or Shaka! sign:
Guess who still cherishes the Saka pointed hat with top horn (devil's horn) and side flaps? Tibetan Lamas and Pathans - 'spiritual' and biological descendants of the Scythians:
They also sneaked Buddha into the Hindu Vishnu avatars instead of Sankarshana Balarama in new obscure and churned up
northern texts invariably 'found' in Calcutta Asiatic Society.
Ancient Indian texts like the 2300 y.o Sangam texts invoke Balarama instead:
As does the 78 C.E North Indian Meghadutam of Kalidasa:
Ford funds ISKCON for propagation of this Buddhavatara lie.
The priests of Salivahana Saka Kalabhira Amaravathi:
Uncle Shalom 'Lama' destroyed the Sangam Age!
If you are still unconvinced, you are a bloke in all probability:
For you: The deer symbol of Scythian Sakas proudly stands as the Lamaist symbol:
Asuric Saka Lamaist Sunya nihilist symbol with deer before the all seeing eyes:
which is the Dhamma Chakka (Sunyavada nihilist symbol) of both the Afghan Sakya scythians' Gautama followed by Buddhists:
and its original Iranian Pars Gaumata which is the Indian Jain story:
The European gypsies are the western mercenary branch of the Scythians, shows their Buddhist Dhamma Chakka flag
And if you dont believe this flag story, see the genetic evidence!The Indian Scythian offshoots,: Jats,Rors,Mauryas,Sakyas and Sainis have the same gne as the Roma gypsies:
"The discovery in 2009 of the "Jat mutation" that causes a type of glaucoma in Romani populations suggests that the Romani people are the descendants of the Jat people found in Northern India and Pakistan. This relation to Jats had earlier been suggested by Michael Jan de Goeje in 1883."The discovery in 2009 of the "Jat mutation" that causes a type of glaucoma in Romani populations suggests that the Romani people are the descendants of the Jat people found in Northern India and Pakistan. This relation to Jats had earlier been suggested by Michael Jan de Goeje in 1883.
Ever wondered why buddhist "Stupas" and "Toranas" don't look Indian in architecture? Yes, they were modelled on Scythian burial mounds- Kurgans and central asian paifangs:
which is nothing but the Sunya (Zero shaped) non-Indian style stupa:
An example at Tsarsky:
MEET THE MAIN DISCIPLES - THE GREAT 16 (for now), Saka Scythian (Ashkenaz) Jews or the Jews of the godless temple of Jerusalem:
The original "Israelites" are the Samaritans descended from the Phoenicians
The Buddhists are the first self declared globalisers:
The Buddhists are the first self declared globalisers:
Under the ever watchful eye of their hitmen, freemasons
Who watch over the British commonwealth under their puppet crown
Under the crown of our dear HH (Hilarious Hag?!)
Our majesty Charlie formally inaugurates the Common - wealth games 2010 for the crown
Ah here is the classic one...
Welcome to The dominon of " i"ndia
How Indian's are led into a fake Hegelian dialectic by Rockefeller 'Right'and Ford's 'Left':
Hitler nailed for exposing this fake 'cartel' Hegelian dialectic back in 1945:
As Raja Mahendravikramavarma Pallava,a contemperory in the Tamil anti-Nastika movement of Tirugnanasambandar puts it,
"Sakya Buddhists steal their vocabulary and ideas from Vedanta and Mahabharata to entice people into their slave cult to fatten themselves"
Still don't believe Trevor sheepies?
I am a crypto-Sakya (Ashkenazi Pathan Scythian) - Modi
All three of us are crypto Buddhists,especially the fake Gorakhpanthi monk
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