Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Black Money

Now, we do not really care about fiat "money" printed by this illegitimate government but we do want to expose on how this nation is looted by the Iluminati  - Freemason controlled state just on one issue at random - the money issue.

NEW DELHI: WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange on Tuesday said there was more Indian money in Swiss banks than any other nationality, sparking off renewed demands from the Opposition for disclosure of the names of account holders and bringing back black money. 
"Yes, there are Indian names in the list," Assange told a television channel. Assange disclosed that he was being offered a swap deal for handing over the details of Swiss banks and their secret account holders list. He said WikiLeaks had an offer through a third party that if it returned the data, then whistleblower Judith Elmer would be set free. He revealed this when asked when the information will come out as peopple across India have been waiting to know. "Well, let me tell you what has happened in relation to that. Normally, we only deal with anonymous sources. Mr Elmer and his legal team for reasons of their own, which I do not understand, decided to have a public press conference. He then returned to Switzerland and was immediately imprisoned. While an investigation is taking place he is still in prison at this moment. 
"He has not as far as I am aware been charged with anything. He is still simply in prison during the period of investigation. And we have had an indirect offer through a third party that if we return what they believe to be the data then they will work to acquit Mr. Elmer to be free. So my ability to talk about this subject is of course limited by the fact that the Swiss bank has a hostage," Assange said. He also expressed concern about Indians depositing billions of black money in foreign locations having a cascading impact on the economy. "The Indian government needs to be more aggressive in tracking the black money stashed in foreign banks since Indians depositing money in foreign banks is debasing the rupee," he said. The BJP immediately trained its guns at the government saying its efforts to address the black money issue were found wanting. 

Yet again Congress II (BJP)  is let loose to coerce the masses!

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